
Monday 7 October 2013

LEGO Castle 70401: Gold Getaway Review.

We are progressing nicely through the reviews in the Castle Theme. Today's review is no exception. With each set we build, each faction's army steadily grows in force. You don't realize it at first but then you start to see the completed sets pile up around you, the Minifigs begin to add up. 5 here 4 there then another 4 and now 3 in today's set, but then you go and buy another 70400: Forest Ambush set, that's 4 more. The next thing you know you have 20 Minifigures smiling and frowning back at you. Lets take a look at the 4th set in the Castle series.

LEGO Castle 70401: Gold Getaway  
 The set contains 199 pieces and retails for $29.99.
 Comes with 3 Minifigures: Horse and Prison Carriage, Outpost and a Large Crossbow
Note: All photo's can be clicked on for a larger view.

The front of the box shows the Dragon Knight trying to escape with the Kings gold! 2 brave King's Knights try to halt the escape using a big Crossbow!

On the back of the box, we see the King's Knight locking up the Dragon in his own horse-drawn prison carriage. The smaller pictures show the lead up to what's depicted on the front of the box.

When we open the box we find 2 numbered bags and loose in the box are just the instructions.

The contents of bag 1 will build the out post and large crossbow. We get some minor greenery and a frog as well as the new horse-head armor mold.

This King's Knight with sword comes with a single side face print. A printed front and back King's Breastplate torso. He has a printed small shield with a lions head. He also has a Metallic Silver Helmet with Broad Brim.

This King's Knight with long axe and has a Blue and White with Chest Strap torso printed on the front and back, he comes with a single side face print. He has a Metallic Silver Helmet with Neck Protector.

We get another Black horse with the new mold. It comes with a new horse-head armor mold.

 A quick and easy step by step build of the outpost.

A small step by step build of the large crossbow. It comes with 3 flick missiles.

The contents of bag 2 will construct the horse-drawn prison carriage. All pretty standard parts used. We get some trans gems, the printed lock and a whip.

This Dragon Knight with a small axe has a scale mail torso print both front and back. He has a single sided face print. He has a Black Cheek Protection Helmet.

 A step by step build of the horse-drawn prison carriage. Not very complex but it was a fun little build.

Just a quick shot of how the prison door chain detaches.

All complete with the horse attached.

Some nice useful spares left over!

Now some images of the completed set.

Overall this was one of the more simple builds so far in the Castle theme besides the 70400: Forest Ambush set. I enjoyed the build but felt that the outpost could have been a bit bulkier. It was nice to get the large axe in this set, I believe there is another large axe in the new King's Castle. It's nice to get different variety's of weapons in each of these sets. For $22.50 on sale it was better value then the $30 they are asking for it. Our Son is absolutely having a ball with this theme, more so then with any of his Super Heroes sets he has so that's what LEGO are aiming for and they have succeeded!

  • Previous Castle Reviews:

Thanks again for reading and I hope you enjoyed the review!

As always and if you want too, let us know in the comments below, what you think of the set. I would love to hear others opinions on it.

Until next time this is Tan Tile... Gearing up for our first big Castle for the next review.

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